SMC SLEX Inc. (formerly known as South Luzon Tollway Corporation) was incorporated in the Philippines on July 26, 2000 primarily to engage in the rehabilitation, construction and expansion of the South Luzon Expressway ("SLEX") from the Alabang Viaduct to Lucena, Quezon, and other allied businesses such as the upgrading, replacing, and enlarging, repairing, improving, modernizing, developing, or otherwise engaging in any work upon the toll roads, including all approaches, interchanges, overpasses, bridges, toll plazas, sewerage and drainage system, and related civil works. For such purpose, it also provides the necessary site survey, traffic studies and investigations, materials and equipment, and supply, and install a toll collection system for the toll roads, traffic toll and data management system, weighing sensors, central computers, CCTV systems and related equipment, without engaging in activities or the operation of a public utility except contracts for construction of locally-funded government projects.

On February 1, 2006, the Republic of the Philippines ("ROP") thru the TRB (the “Grantor”) awarded to SMC SLEX Inc. a 30-year concession ending in February 1, 2036, to finance, design and construct the toll road, and to Manila Toll Expressway Systems, Inc. ("MATES") the concession to operate and maintain the toll road.
SMC SLEX Inc. is an 80%-owned entity of MTDME; a domestic corporation engaged in general construction, project management and administration. ROP owns the remaining 20% of the shares in SMC SLEX Inc.
The ultimate parent company of SMC SLEX Inc. is San Miguel Holdings Corp. ("SMHC"), a 100.0% owned subsidiary of San Miguel Corporation ("SMC"). SMHC owns 95.0% of Atlantic Aurum Investments, B.V. ("AAIBV"), a company incorporated in the Netherlands which in turn owns 100.0% of MTDME.